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MRI Ascend
Sunday, October 13, 2019 7:00 AM PDT to Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Category: MRI Ascend

Over the past two decades, MRI has grown from hosting one global users conference in North America (known as the MRI IUC) to hosting regional users conferences across four continents – bringing an educational, inspiring, and fun experience to an increasing number of clients, no matter where they are in the world.

Referring to each of these regional events as the “International Users Conference” no longer makes sense. That’s why we’re excited to announce that, after more than twenty years in existence, the MRI International Users Conference will now be known as…


While the name may have changed, the experience remains the same. MRI Ascend will continue to unite MRI clients, partners, and staff in a unique open ecosystem that is unmatched in the industry. We will continue working to reach new heights together and revolutionize real estate software with true freedom and choice.

The first MRI Ascend event will take place October 13-16 in Anaheim, California. Events in the UK, Australia and South Africa will follow in 2020.